Get in touch!

Would you like a demo of flowsam, do you need a custom tailored subscription plan, or do you want to know more about how flowsam can help improve the brand performance of your video advertising?

Please contact us – we would love to hear from you.

Plaiground ApS
Jagtvej 200, 3.
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Tel. +45 2844 4572
CVR DK40762299

Plaiground ApS

Jagtvej 200, 3.
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Tel: +45 4025 7041

Plaiground ApS
Jagtvej 200, 2100 København, Danmark

Jagtvej 200, 3.
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Tel: +45 4025 7041


Make better data-driven decisions. Faster.

In Plaiground we love putting our vast creative, conceptual and technical expertise and experience into new innovative solutions that will have a profound impact on established ways of working.

Our mission with flowsam is to push the boundaries of digital marketing by combining decades of brand- and marketing expertise with artificial intelligence and ML in new and groundbreaking ways to enable smarter and faster data driven decisions.

Flowsam® is a registered trademark and a product of Plaiground.