flowsam® is helping brands create eye-catching video content with Google Cloud

Google recognizes the potential of flowsam. And they love the innovative way we utilize their cloud services. Actually so much that they featured us in their Google Cloud customers showcase section.

flowsam was also featured in Morning Coffee with Google Cloud where Google interviews insiders, experts, analysts, customers and partners about the most innovative cloud transformations. Watch the video below and learn how flowsam was born and the plans for the future.

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flowsam® is a great valuable innovation that any marketing & insights team should be utilizing

“We found flowsam very valuable. Flowsam is a great valuable innovation that any marketing and insight teams should be utilizing in understanding and knowing how their video content support the ambition of constantly creating brand saliency.

We have pushed this to our wider teams in Lego and can only recommended the usage of flowsam as a highly valuable – easy tool to use when producing video content.

We are looking towards new innovative data solutions and flowsam fits into our need of constantly learning from data and improving our branded work.”

Thomas Visby Snitker

Sr. Research Manager
Global Communication Strategy

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flowsam® attracts attention in the industry

Flowsam disrupts an important area of pre-testing in the consumer research and eye-tracking industry and aims at making the process easier and affordable for all marketing departments – even those with small budgets – to test brand performance of all videos produced, from Instagram to TV.

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flowsam® is a perfect example of how AI is revolutionizing marketing

“Once you’ve tried flowsam, you can’t imagine developing video content without pre-testing and gaining insights from flowsam. It’s a perfect example of how AI is revolutionizing marketing as described in my new book, ‘The AI Marketing Canvas’, and as I teach in my marketing courses at Kellogg.”

Jim Lecinski

Former Google vice-president,
now Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing,
and author of The AI Marketing Canvas
Kellogg School of Management
Northwestern University

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flowsam® is a great, cost efficient and unbiased tool for testing and improving your content

“flowsam is a great, cost efficient and unbiased tool for testing and improving your content. Combining flowsam with more emotional audience testing, provides a strong coherent approach for assessing and optimizing our content ahead of bringing this live to our fantastic consumers around the world.”

Jesper Kvisgaard

CCI Director

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flowsam® startup brings AI-technology to the market for video content

Marketing departments are spending a lot of money on producing video content for both TV and online. But there are not many, that uses the energy to find if their ads actually are worth the spend.

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Secure consumer attention of your distinctive brand assets in your video ads and increase marketing ROI